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Feb 6, 2019 | by Centre

NEW FUNDING CALL – Understanding wellbeing: Secondary Analysis Data Initiative funding

We are excited to announce this ‘Understanding Wellbeing’ funding opportunity, which will go to research that offers further insights surrounding the wellbeing of individuals and communities in the UK.

The Economic and Social Research Council, working with the Centre, is offering up to £300,000 per project for up to six projects for analysis of secondary data to better understand people’s and communities’ wellbeing in the UK.

The Centre is interested in projects that answer policy and practice relevant questions on wellbeing, exploring what works to improve (or worsen) wellbeing in different contexts, through different mechanisms and for different people.  We are particularly interested in the areas of:

  1. community wellbeing, place, social connections and social capital
  2. improving working age life

As a what works project, our team at the Centre will be a part of your bid, working with you to  connect your research with decision-makers across a range of sectors to help translate evidence into impact. Additionally, we would support communications and dissemination to increase your research’s reach.

Next steps

  1. Watch the video below explaining the call in more detail
  2. Read the full Secondary Data Analysis Initiative call
  3. We have to discuss project ideas before applications are submitted –   so after you’ve completed step one and two, email deborah.hardoon@whatworkswellbeing.org 

Update 10/06/2019: we are no longer taking new applications for this funding call due to the heavy volume of applications and the time required to support applications for submission. Please sign up to receive our email alert for any further information.