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Jul 18, 2016

Sustrans- Influencing national and local policy makers

  • Portfolio total project costs: £5,403,158
  • Total funding received from BIG: £3,615,000
  • Total number of beneficiaries: 113,989


The Sustrans Active Travel Consortium delivered a portfolio of 19 projects, in partnership with Living Streets, Ramblers, the London Cycling campaign (LCC) and CTC, the national cycling charity. The overall portfolio engaged 113,989 beneficiaries, against a target of 53,450.

The Active Travel Consortium has undertaken influencing activity at a national level. National policy makers from the Department of Health and the Department for Transport have shown interest in the portfolio. For example, the Inclusive Cycling project was asked to provide evidence for a scoping document informing a cycle development strategy. The Inclusive Cycling project also held conversations with the Department for Transport and sat on Government led network groups around Integrated Transport and the Moving More, Living More: Olympic and Paralympic Games legacy policy paper (published by the Department of Health, Cabinet Office, Department for Culture, Media and Sport, Department for Education and Department for Transport in February 2014). The portfolio provided information to inform government priorities in this area. The Consortium also developed a case study for the Department of Health.

The Consortium has also actively worked with local commissioners. Particularly good links have been established with the Health Promotion Service for Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly. Good working relationships have also been established with local authorities in Birmingham and Newcastle.

Participant/community impacts and sustainability

The portfolio reported good outcomes in relation to the physical activity theme. The portfolio reported that 29,901 beneficiaries had become more physically active by the end of the grant, compared to a target of 15,431 beneficiaries. The Inclusive Cycling Champions project led by CTC was particularly successful, reaching 17,373 beneficiaries against a target of 4,400. Of these, 15,364 beneficiaries reported that they had participated in led activities outdoors with others through the CTC project. The Walk to Work project also produced very positive outcomes, recruiting 25,021 beneficiates compared to a target of 15,000. Of these, 8,007 participants reported that their physical activity levels had increased through the project, compared to a target of 6,750 participants.

In terms of the portfolio’s change indicators, the portfolio aimed to actively involve 4,070 people in their community, and had recruited 4,170 individual volunteers by the end of the grant. The portfolio also aimed to increase the awareness of at least 1,880,000 people around opportunities to become physically active through active travel. The portfolio over-achieved on this target, reporting that 2,086,804 individuals had increased awareness of the opportunities and benefits of active travel by the end of the grant. 113,989 people participated in walking, cycling and other activities organised by the portfolio.

→Further details and references in the Wellbeing 2 evaluation.

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