What Works Wellbeing operated from 2014 to 2024. This website is a static repository of all assets captured at closure on 30 April. It will remain publicly accessible but will not be updated.  Read more
Apr 20, 2021 | by Ingrid Abreu Scherer

Different impacts of Covid-19: Call for evidence

What are the wellbeing impacts on different people in the UK, from a year of living with Covid-19?

Have you been generating and/or collecting evidence on the impacts of Covid-19 on wellbeing, and the factors that affect wellbeing (see list below)? 

Can you help contribute to our understanding of how wellbeing has and is likely to be affected by the pandemic, including the role of inequalities and intersectionalities in people’s experience and outcomes.

We want to understand how Covid-19 has impacted different people after a year of living with Covid, particularly where there might be longer-term effects for wellbeing, and the drivers of wellbeing. We also want to find out what might stop people’s wellbeing from recovering after the initial pandemic year, and what policy and practice should focus on in the months and years to come. 

The aim is to help those working in policy and practice to identify where there may be a need to prioritise interventions to improve wellbeing outcomes. 

What is happening?

We are working with independent researchers and the Centre for Thriving Places, to update our evidence series on the implications of the pandemic for different people across the UK. 

We know some of you may have sent evidence last year in the early months of the pandemic, we would like to expand on this widely valued resource* by updating the evidence we have already collected and making sure we are also including insights from those working with individuals and communities. 

* “What an excellent and balanced evidence based data driven summary, well done!” – Consultant Occupational Health Physician

Criteria for submission

We want to know what changes you have seen in wellbeing, or drivers of wellbeing across the following domains:

  • Health (directly related to Covid-19, as well as other physical and mental health)
  • What we do (jobs, care responsibilities, activities)
  • Money (income, wealth, debt)
  • Education (access and quality)
  • Where we live (housing, local environment, community)
  • Relationships (family, social networks)

Specifically, we are looking for:

  • Quantitative studies, especially those with baseline and follow-up data on changes to people’s lives that are important for wellbeing (the above domains provide a guide (eg. access to health services, unemployment) and identifying the different impact for people with different characteristics (inequalities) 
  • Qualitative studies and insights (eg. from interviews or case studies) on changes that are important for wellbeing, identifying particularly affected/vulnerable/exposed individuals/groups
  • Surveys and reports that survey the literature/summarise evidence and insights on key wellbeing determinants and/or impacts from Covid on particular demographic groups)
  • Disaggregated data and insights on changes to subjective wellbeing. expert analysis and projections on the likely impacts on different groups (eg. through research which looks at risk factors for mental illness)

Next steps

Please send your research, or resources and insights that have helped you (including hyperlinks to sources), by Friday 7th May 2021 to evidence@whatworkswellbeing.org with the subject header ‘Impacts of Covid-19’.

Thank you for your help.

We will email the findings to everyone who submits material when we publish them. If you don’t have evidence to submit, but would like to find out the results of the research, sign up to our email alert below.

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