What Works Wellbeing operated from 2014 to 2024. This website is a static repository of all assets captured at closure on 30 April. It will remain publicly accessible but will not be updated.  Read more
Oct 7, 2021 | by Centre

Every Mind Matters – What works for improving individual mental health?

Our experience and perception of our mental and physical health is the biggest single factor that explains, on average, how we rate our wellbeing. 

The impact and experience of the COVID-19 outbreak has been different for everyone, as has how we have coped with it, but there’s no doubt it’s been a really difficult time for everyone and the nation’s wellbeing has been affected

That’s why on 5th October, in the run up to World Mental Health Day, the Office of Health Improvement and Disparities will launch a new Better Health – Every Mind Matters campaign to support the nation’s mental wellbeing. 

The campaign is focusing on “What works for me”, demonstrating how different actions can help different people with their mental wellbeing. It offers practical tools that individuals can use such as personalised action plans, and practical tips and resources for mental health support.

Over 3.4 million free Mind Plans have already been completed - download your free mind plan quiz and find out what works for your mental health and #wellbeing… Share on X


  • Free NHS Mind Plan quiz. By answering five simple questions online, adults will get a personalised mental health action plan with practical tips to help them deal with stress and anxiety, boost their mood, sleep better and feel more in control. To date, over 3.4 million Mind Plans have been completed. This campaign will encourage more people to get their own Mind Plan to improve their knowledge, confidence and motivation to take action and find what works for them to care for their mental health.
  • The Every Mind Matters website showcases simple practical tips from sufferers and videos from experts on dealing with COVID-19, stress and anxiety, boosting your mood, sleeping better and what you can do to help others. Also tips and support on how to deal with change, cope with money worries and job uncertainty.
  • Every Mind Matters Campaign Resource Centre holds all the resource materials if you want to run your own campaign for your setting. 

What works to improve mental health and wellbeing?

What the evidence says:

  • Listening to or making music is the most positive mood boosting thing you can do. 
  • Getting outdoors and active with others boosts both positive mood and feelings of worth and purpose and longer term resilience – weekly sport and/or outdoor activities with your partner are big wellbeing wins.
  • Volunteering has helped people with mental health conditions during the pandemic.
  • 25% of people say work helped them cope with the pandemic too. Employment has a big and well-established effect in itself, even if it’s not ‘happy/fun’. Relationships with colleagues are also an important influence on someone’s wellbeing.  
  • In later life, ‘regular meaningful activity’  is more important. This could include volunteering, hobbies and interests, learning, and/or inclusive work projects. Engaging in these types of activities, even if it’s only one day a week, is useful beyond income alone.

Further reading

How did the UK cope with Covid-19 and lockdown?

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Further reading

How did the UK cope with Covid-19 and lockdown?

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