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October 2021

What Works for Supporting Employee Mental Health? (video)

What Works for Supporting Employee Mental Health? (video)
In partnership with
  • Bupa
  • BT Group
  • Hastee
  • Maximus
  • What works for supporting employee mental health?

    Mental health has never been higher on the agenda for businesses.

    In recent years employers have started investing in mental health initiatives, but despite growing interest and investment, there is still so much we do not know about what works for supporting employee mental health.

    The Wellcome Trust’s most recent report – Putting science to work: Understanding what works for workplace mental health draws together findings from ten global research projects on promising approaches for supporting mental health in the workplace.

    In this session we heard from one of the report’s authors, Rhea Newman about what they found.

    The webinar was chaired by Paul Duggan, UK Wellbeing & Engagement Lead at Accenture.


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