What Works Wellbeing operated from 2014 to 2024. This website is a static repository of all assets captured at closure on 30 April. It will remain publicly accessible but will not be updated.  Read more
Jan 2, 2018 | by Nancy Hey

New evidence, guidance and research coming up in 2018

It’s just the beginning of 2018, but we’re already publicising our new one-day workshop on wellbeing cost effectiveness analysis on 29 January; releasing the digital version of our incredibly popular wellbeing impacts and policy course we ran with LSE in October; and sharing a new case study looking at a charity evaluating wellbeing. Next week we’ll be publishing our evidence review of how visual arts impacts the wellbeing of adults with mental health issues, and later in January, we launch our How to Measure Wellbeing Guide for charities and social enterprises. You can sign up to receive an alert when new evidence or guidance is published.

In 2017, we published new evidence looking at housing, music and singing, community wellbeing, inequalities, dance and sport, adult learning, unemployment, job quality, learning at work and retirement. We’ve also managed to release our Wellbeing Indicators for local authorities, along with datasets for all authorities in the UK, and our Measuring Wellbeing Discussion Paper series.

The Centre is a collaboration and the progress we’re making is with the incredible and ambitious work carried out by our expert advisory panel, cross-sector board, our partners and our research teams in 16 universities across the country led by Universities of Liverpool, Brunel London, East Anglia and the London School of Economics.

One of the best ways you can continue to support the Centre is to share with your networks – this has been one of the biggest successes of 2017, so thank you!

More things to look out for in 2018

After a year of building connections and publishing evidence, making sure it gets shared and used, we’re looking ahead to 2018 to keep the momentum going in disseminating our current evidence and resources, and laying the groundwork for the next phase of our evidence programmes. If your organisation would like to be involved in the Centre’s work, please let us know, by getting in touch at info@whatworkswellbeing.org.

  • An exciting conference bringing together all our findings on 13 September
  • A workplace wellbeing index for businesses
  • New evidence reviews on:
    • Housing for vulnerable people
    • How improvements in community infrastructure (places and spaces) can boost social relations and wellbeing in communities
    • Joint decision-making
    • Barriers to learning and school leavers and wellbeing
    • Adult learning and unemployment


Practice Examples
Oct 31, 2018
Carrying out an RCT in a workplace
Oct 19, 2023 | By What Works Centre for Wellbeing
What works to support student mental health – new evidence hub launched
Guest Blog
Mar 23, 2017 | By Centre
What can children in the care system tell us about their wellbeing?
Centre Blog

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