A few weeks ago we featured the launch of South Australia’s Wellbeing and Resilience Centre at SAHMRI.
We’re delighted to welcome the inaugural Director of the Centre, Gabe Kelly to present
a seminar: Building the State of Wellbeing in South Australia from Vision to Reality, on the 30th June at 4:00pm details and registration
The Wellbeing and Resilience Centre in the South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute (SAHMRI) has a vision to build South Australia as the State of Wellbeing – a public health approach to building mental health. It aims to dramatically improve the community’s ability to combat mental illness by building mental health assets at scale.
We really like area-based approaches to improving resilience and wellbeing such as Santa Monica’s Wellbeing project in the USA which has set out to define, measure and improve wellbeing and the Happy City project here in Bristol, UK .
→ I know of other places doing this contact: whatworkswellbeingdevelopment@phe.gov.uk