British Academy Debates – Wellbeing 
Our interim Chair Lord Gus O’Donnell, along with our own Gregor Henderson and Paul Dolan from LSE, are taking part in this series of wellbeing debates on public policy for greater prosperity in the new year #bigdebates
It looks like it will be a great line up of speakers and events across the UK:
LSE Wellbeing Seminar Series Jan-March
We’re also excited for this new series of wellbeing seminars at the LSE including one about What Works for Early Intervention on 15th January from our friends at the Early Intervention Foundation.
The Centre for Economic Performance at the London School of Economics run an established Wellbeing Seminar series. It is organised by Professor Richard Layard, Dr Nick Powdthavee and Dr Jan-Emmanuel De Neve
These seminars are free and open to all – there is no need to register.
If external to LSE please bring a print out or save this information and bring it with you.
Thursdays at 1pm (with sandwiches from 12.45)
Location: 2nd floor Seminar Room (2.04), 32 Lincoln’s Inn Fields
Details of the seminars are posted on the Wellbeing Programme events page, with papers/presentations when available. For any enquiries, please contact Harriet Ogborn,