What Works Wellbeing operated from 2014 to 2024. This website is a static repository of all assets captured at closure on 30 April. It will remain publicly accessible but will not be updated.  Read more
Jul 8, 2015 | by Centre

What's happening now?

The What Works Centre for Wellbeing now has its Board and five teams – four evidence programmes and the central translation hub. Over the next six months we are

1. Doing the job of the Centre by starting to

2.  Getting out to understand further as much as we can about your priorities for evidence synthesis, data analysis and what else you need, to understand what we can do in the UK to improve wellbeing.

  • This is to ensure that the evidence work we do is as relevant as possible and the needs and interests of users and stakeholders are at the heart of what the centre does. Each of the teams are doing this.
  • This includes listening to how people across the UK  think and talk about wellbeing and what matters to them in the public dialogues.
  • It will result in a synthesis of end user engagement which will be the basis of how we prioritise the centre’s workplan of what reviews, analysis, tools and services we do over next three years.

3.  Understanding further how we can translate wellbeing evidence and practice so that it is accessible and easy to use in taking action to improve wellbeing by comissioners, practitioners and others.  

  • This includes working with Big Lottery Fund, Young Foundation Fellows, and soon, the Wellcome Trust and the Alliance for Useful Evidence so that what we do on translation of evidence and supporting implementation and practice is evidence informed.
  • We are understanding how to best to help with
    • implementation of evidence based activities
    • use of the wellbeing data infrastructure
    • evidence informed policy and practice
    • sharing of learning from evidence and practice
  • We are also finding partners, trying things out based on what we know already and learning as we go.

4. Getting clear on how we need to work together as teams within the Centre and with everyone doing the inspiring work happening on wellbeing across the UK.

What can I do? 

Add my view → info@whatworkswellbeing.org 


Practice Examples
Aug 12, 2014
If: Volunteering for wellbeing in the heritage sector
Apr 12, 2017 | By Centre
Mindfulness in the workplace: The state of the evidence
Centre Blog
May 14, 2020 | By Amelia Byrne
How are community businesses improving the wellbeing of local communities?
Guest Blog

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