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September 2021

Children and Young People’s Measures: ONS4 evaluations and beyond

Children and Young People’s Measures: ONS4 evaluations and beyond

Children and Young People's Measures: ONS4 evaluations and beyond

At the What Works Centre for Wellbeing, we help to build the wellbeing evidence base by ensuring that organisations and decision-makers have access to high quality wellbeing research.

Evaluations are a particularly useful source of evidence thanks to the insight they provide into causation: whether, and to what extent, and for whom interventions improve wellbeing.

Since 2019, we have begun to search for impact evaluations more systematically, starting with our Rapid Evidence Assessment of wellbeing impact evaluations that use the ONS4 personal wellbeing measures. We’ve now sifted through some of the studies originally excluded from our review. Many of them are evaluations of interventions delivered outside of the UK, aimed at children and young people, use a wide range of wellbeing measures to report impact.

This briefing brings together some of our latest findings. These are not exhaustive and are part of an ongoing live review of the wellbeing evidence base. If your organisation has evaluated wellbeing impacts we’d love to hear from you! You can submit your evaluation by emailing evaluation@whatworkswellbeing.org

Close Children and Young People's Measures: ONS4 evaluations and beyond

Measuring Children and Young People’s Subjective Wellbeing

Further reading: ONS4 evaluations for adults


You may also wish to read the blog article on this document.

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