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May 2018

Housing for Vulnerable People

Housing for Vulnerable People
In partnership with


This briefing is based on a systematic review that looks at the evidence on the wellbeing impact of housing interventions for people who are at risk of homelessness, unstable housing or loss of their home adults (also known as housing-vulnerable).

We also looked at the cost effectiveness of one of the key interventions, Housing First. This intervention provides immediate, unconditional, access to housing for people with complex needs, with intensive support. In spite of its high profile, there is little evidence about its cost-effectiveness.

Who is ‘housing–vulnerable’?

Housing-vulnerable groups include adults who are at risk of homelessness, unstable housing or loss of their home. This includes people who are homeless or had a history of homelessness; people with a history of mental illness; people with a learning disability; people fleeing domestic violence; substance misusers; refugees and asylum seekers; recent immigrants; young people leaving care; ex-prisoners; Gypsies and Travellers; people with a long-term disability; people with complex needs and multiple disadvantage; and people living in severe overcrowding or with short-term tenancies.

A lot of people are living in awful housing. That has a knock on effect on everything else.

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What are the key findings?

What can you do next?


You may also wish to read the blog article on this document.

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