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April 2017

Learning at Work and Wellbeing

Learning at Work and Wellbeing
In partnership with


Learning throughout our lives is good for wellbeing. Taking a part-time course for work over the past year has been estimated to give wellbeing benefits equivalent to £1,584 of income per year*.

People who keep learning:

  • have greater satisfaction and optimism
  • report higher wellbeing; a greater ability to cope with stress; more feelings of self-esteem; hope; and purpose. Setting targets and hitting them can create positive feelings of achievement
  • often interact with other people, which helps build and strengthen social relationships.

But learning in the workplace is not always associated with these positive wellbeing and productivity gains. Systematic reviews of training to develop personal resources, or training for stress management, found inconsistent results for wellbeing outcomes.

As a result, there is conflict in the evidence base on when, and what type, of learning can deliver wellbeing outcomes. This review examines the factors in different learning practices that lead to positive or negative wellbeing impacts, and those that show no effect on wellbeing. It also evaluates the quality of the current evidence available to help us make sense of conflicting data and what this means for practice.

I think, personally, if I don’t learn then I might miss something in life.

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What are the key findings?

What can you do next?


You may also wish to read the blog article on this document.

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