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February 2021

Government policy: what’s wellbeing got to do with it?

Government policy: what’s wellbeing got to do with it?

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Government policy is connected with almost every aspect of our lives – yet how does it get made in practice? What does the move towards a wellbeing-centred, data-driven policy agenda look like? And what might we learn from New Zealand’s experience of a wellbeing-first budget?

In this episode, presented by Centre associate Clair Fisher:

  • Ed Whiting, Director of Strategy at the Wellcome Trust
  • Deborah Hardoon, Head of Evidence, What Works Centre for Wellbeing
  • John Pullinger former National Statistician for the United Kingdom, serving in this role from 1 July 2014 until retiring on 30 June 2019.
  • Margreet Frieling is a sociologist and principal analyst with KOATA Insights. She has worked as a senior analyst at both Stats NZ and the Treasury.

You can read more about our work on government and policy; wellbeing economics; and data and analysis.

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