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July 2017

Community wellbeing indicators

Systematic scoping review of indicators of community wellbeing in the UK


Update log: version 1.2 – 21 Feb 2018 the graph on page 17 was edited for clarity.


The Communities Evidence Programme team have identified a gap in the existing knowledge about measures and indicators of community wellbeing. While there are many well-known scales and measures of individual wellbeing, such as the Life Satisfaction Scale and the Warwick Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale (WEMWBS), community wellbeing is less well defined as a concept, and indicators and frameworks that measure a community’s wellbeing may not be described as such.

To address the gaps in the knowledge base, we conducted a rapid scoping review of the indicators, frameworks and measures of community wellbeing (and synonyms or proxies for community wellbeing) used by UK governmental and non-governmental agencies from 2010-2016.

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Conclusion and next steps


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