The Shared Ingredients for a Wellbeing Economy

In this discussion paper from the Centre for Thriving Places, supported by Carnegie UK, Liz Zeidler argues that growing a fairer, greener and truly thriving economy is possible today.
The paper focuses on diverse support available at local level in the UK, exploring wellbeing models, dashboards and indices to outline how we can come together to rewire the economy to crack the many social and environmental crises of our time.
This paper is the culmination of numerous conversations over many years, between organisations working to grow a wellbeing economy, and local government, business and community leaders.
What Works Centre for Wellbeing Executive Director, Nancy Hey, has contributed to and consulted on the paper.
Key messages
- Delivering a wellbeing economy approach in the UK is possible today.
- The wellbeing economy movement already has a clear, evidenced and agreed set of goals, metrics and principles.
- There is an overwhelming degree of agreement about the ingredients for an equitable and sustainable wellbeing economy.
- Organisations working to deliver the shift toward a wellbeing economy need to work together to ensure they succeed.
Next steps
The paper shares recommended actions for those leading change, whether that’s in your organisation, your neighbourhood, your town, city or region. These include:
- Start using a different set of measures of progress as a shared goal across departments, sectors and places.
- Start focusing on the quality of the local economy and its capacity to support thriving and sustainable lives.
- Engage communities in co-designing a new economy where they are.
- Collaborate more.
Written by Liz Zeidler, Chief Executive of Centre for Thriving Places, with significant input and support from Melissa Cairns, Rachel Laurence, Jennifer Wallace and Hannah Paylor.
Suggested citation
Zeidler, L., Cairns, M., Laurence, R., Wallace, J., Paylor, H. (2022) The Shared Ingredients for a Wellbeing Economy. Centre for Thriving Places. Available at (Accessed: DD/MM/YY)
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