Time use data: What can instantaneous enjoyment tell us about life satisfaction?

About the report
Time-use data offers insight into the daily activities and patterns of individuals and the different reported levels of enjoyment, providing a way to directly measure the contributions of these experiences to subjective wellbeing.
Using the CTUR UK Time Use Survey 6-Wave Sequence across the COVID-19 Pandemic dataset, the authors show that the higher the daily mean activity enjoyment, the higher the reporting of overall life satisfaction, with some differences observed in terms of sex and age.
This reported is authored by Elena Mylona and Jonathan Gershuny, supported by the Economic and Social Research Council.
Suggested citation
Mylona, E. and Gershuny, J. (2023) What can instantaneous enjoyment tell us about life satisfaction?What Works Centre for Wellbeing: Time Use and Wellbeing [online]. Available at: https://whatworkswellbeing.org/projects/time-use-and-wellbeing/
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