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Dec 8, 2020 | by Centre

Updated conceptual review on loneliness: evidence call

What we are looking for in this call

We are looking for evidence (grey literature) produced by any organisation that will contribute to our updated conceptual review on loneliness for understanding loneliness and wellbeing across the life-course.

Call timescales

Call opens Call closes
8 December 2020 18 December 2020


Grey literature

By grey literature we mean “literature that is not formally published in sources such as books or journal articles” (Lefebvre, Manheimer, & Glanville, 2008, p. 106). This may be produced by charities, government departments, businesses, community groups and others; and may include reports, theses or dissertations, and more. In this instance we are looking for reports on a model, theory or framework for understanding loneliness or a related concepts.

Criteria for submission and review

We will accept submissions for possible inclusion in our conceptual review of loneliness using the following criteria:

  • Submissions must be a report informing a model, theory or framework for understanding loneliness or a related concept (e.g. solitude or social isolation).
  • Reports will have been completed at any date but must include author details (individuals, groups or organisations).
  • Evaluation methods may be entirely qualitative or include a qualitative aspect or mixed methods.

If your organisation submitted a grey literature report to our previous call in December 2018, for our original conceptual review, please do not resubmit the same report for this call.


Please submit relevant reports to:

Louise Mansfield, louise.mansfield@brunel.ac.uk

Alex Golding, alexgolding73@gmail.com


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