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September 2021

Dying Well: Wellbeing at the end of life

Dying Well: Wellbeing at the end of life

Dying Well: Wellbeing at the end of life

A summary of practitioner conversations from the What Works Centre for Wellbeing

The Big idea

Wellbeing matters for everyone at any stage of life, and the end of life is no exception. We wanted to understand what matters to people with terminal illness and how society can support their wellbeing for as long as possible. The evidence about what matters is spread across academia, policy and practice. We also intentionally sought the knowledge, insight and expertise from people living with a terminal diagnosis.

Together we shared learning and identified areas for future research and practice improvement.

In April and May 2021, the What Works Centre for Wellbeing brought together practitioners, academics and individuals to talk about what really matters to people with life-limiting or terminal illness, and how to develop support which puts their wellbeing, and that of their family and close relations, at its heart. Through these conversations we explored how we can support people to live well with a terminal illness, how to value the things that matter, and how to use evidence from across sectors to provide better services for wellbeing. This briefing provides a summary of three topics:

  1. Wellbeing conversations at the end of life.
  2. A good place to die.
  3. Understanding and measuring wellbeing at the end of life.
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What did we find?

Areas of research interest


You may also wish to read the blog article on this document.

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