What Works Wellbeing operated from 2014 to 2024. This website is a static repository of all assets captured at closure on 30 April. It will remain publicly accessible but will not be updated.  Read more
Feb 25, 2016 | by Centre

Join our roundtable: Learning from the BIG Lottery Wellbeing portfolio

The What Works Centre for Wellbeing and Ecorys present a roundtable event to share learning from the Wellbeing 2 programme evaluation.

Following Big Lottery Fund’s first Wellbeing programme, which invested £160 million across England to encourage healthy lifestyles and improve wellbeing, an additional £40 million was made available to fund a second phase  which ran from 2013- 2015. Grants were made to 14 portfolios across England managed by a range of charities including Sustrans, the Soil Association, the Foyer Federation, Mind, The Children’s Food Trust and Groundwork.

The aims of the programme were to continue to support communities to create healthier lifestyles and improve their wellbeing in three key areas:

  • Physical activity – children, adults and the wider community being more physically active and experiencing improved access to physical activities.
  • Healthy eating – children, adults and the wider community eating more healthily.
  • Mental wellbeing – children, adults and the wider community having improved mental wellbeing and greater social contact.

We would like to look at the findings and methodology used, then discuss:

  • How the findings can inform policy developments and debate
  • How the findings can be taken forward by different organisations to inform delivery
  • Suggestions for further dissemination audiences

The event  will be held on the 16th March 12-2pm in central London. If you are are a policy official, politician or researcher, commissioner or academic interested in wellbeing and want to take part register interest now.

→Register interestecorys

Pioneer case studies funded through the Big Lottery Wellbeing programme:

→Well LondonBIG

→Wellbeing in the East



Practice Examples
Jan 2, 2018
Measuring wellbeing for people in prisons and young offender institutions
Feb 24, 2021 | By Rhea Newman
From flexible working to mindfulness: what works for supporting workplace mental health?
Guest Blog
Jun 28, 2016 | By Centre
Oxford Univeristy Resilience for teens project (MYRIAD) recruiting schools
Centre Blog

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