Followed by:
2. Social relationships, social support and communities. Positive social relationships at home and work have a significant impact on our wellbeing.
Neighbourhood belonging is particularly low in the UK.
3. Prosperity – Sustainable, stable growth and good work. Money does matter, especially up to a certain point, but has diminishing returns. Most things, including a pay rise, don’t have a sustained impact on wellbeing but being unemployed for more than a year does have a sustained negative impact.
Levels of wellbeing vary across the life course, dipping in the mid teenage years, at midlife, and again among the oldest old. There are ways to cushion the impact of this dip and these will have an impact on other things we care about too like health, work and crime.
→The theme of this years WMHD is Dignity in Mental Health.
“Dignity” is a word that has a number of meanings, none of them precise—but we all recognize dignity when we see it, and more importantly, we recognize the lack of it when it’s absent
→ You can support on Facebook and Twitter and also join Thunderclap to donate your status update on October 10 using #WMHD