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Oct 8, 2015 | by Centre

Mental health day and wellbeing

October 10th is the 23rd World Mental Health Day hostedWMHD_report_2015_cover
by the World Federation for Mental Health.

Mental health is a key determinant of our wellbeing, from adult mental health and employment, child mental health, dementia to the promotion of mental health.

The wellbeing research and data give a good indication of where we can make a difference if we are serious about improving our wellbeing. Enhancing wellbeing is a key intermediate outcome in a preventative approach to policy and leads to other positive outcomes.

From the research and data we can formulate our priorities for improving wellbeing:

 Followed by:
2. Social relationships, social support and communitiesPositive social relationships at home and work have a significant impact on our wellbeing. Neighbourhood belonging is particularly low in the UK.
3. Prosperity – Sustainable, stable growth and good work. Money does matter, especially up to a certain point, but has diminishing returns. Most things, including a pay rise, don’t have a sustained impact on wellbeing but being unemployed for more than a year does have a sustained negative impact.
4. Childcare, early years, work life balance. Life-satisfaction, good mental health and wellbeing in adult-life is strongly influenced by the development of strong mental health, social and emotional skills in childhood. UK is lowest on sense of vitality in Europe.
Levels of wellbeing vary across the life course, dipping in the mid teenage years, at midlife, and again among the oldest old.  There are ways to cushion the impact of this dip and these will have an impact on other things we care about too like health, work and crime.
→Mental health is a key priority in improving our wellbeing, and we should support evidence-based approaches and interventions that can add to the evidence.
→Here’s on our patron, Lord Gus O’Donnell on Why we must stop ‘spending on failure’ with mental health.

→The theme of this years WMHD is Dignity in Mental Health.wfmhlogo

 “Dignity” is a word that has a number of meanings, none of them precise—but we all recognize dignity when we see it, and more importantly, we recognize the lack of it when it’s absent

→ You can support on Facebook and Twitter and also join Thunderclap to donate your status update on October 10 using #WMHD



Practice Examples
Oct 31, 2018
Carrying out an RCT in a workplace
Oct 26, 2016 | By Centre
Call for evidence: Organisations as social communities and wellbeing
Centre Blog
Sep 8, 2017 | By Centre
Call for Evidence: in-work progression and wellbeing
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