What Works Wellbeing operated from 2014 to 2024. This website is a static repository of all assets captured at closure on 30 April. It will remain publicly accessible but will not be updated.  Read more
Jun 25, 2015 | by Tricia

Think Local, Act Personal – Building Community Capacity Empowering and Engaging Communities events

The Care Act makes explicit the need to promote wellbeing and prevention and the NHS Five Year Forward View also talks about the need to “harness the renewable energy in communities”.  There are plenty of examples of innovative practice in community capacity building such as befriending, homeshare and time credits, however practice is more fragmented revealing different measures of success, terminology and concepts.

Think Local Act Personal hosted a Building Community Capacity logo_think-local-act-personalLeaders Seminar which brought together key stakeholders from across the health, social care and public sectors to help drive forward a collaborative approach

Building Community Capacity Empowering and Engaging Communities

Following on from the Leaders Seminar, TLAP are running a series of regional workshops which will look at the policies and evidence base for community empowerment. The events are open to Health and Wellbeing Boards, NHS England Commissioners, NHS Providers of Community Services and Voluntary Sector Providers.

→Book a place on a Building Community Capacity regional event


Practice Examples
Sep 18, 2016
Wellbeing of Future Generations in Wales
Mar 10, 2021 | By Dr Alisha Davies
Better protecting the health and wellbeing of our fishing communities, in light of Brexit
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Jul 28, 2022 | By Bryony Davies
The impact of Instagram content on body image and wellbeing
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