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March 2022

Briefing: Different People, Same Place

Briefing: Different People, Same Place
In partnership with


Better understanding the relationships between individual and place-based community wellbeing

During the Covid-19 pandemic, many people relied on their communities for support more than ever before, and the impact of where we live and work on how we feel became more apparent. The pandemic brought into sharp focus the importance of our communities in how we are doing and a greater urgency to the levelling up agenda which was first proposed by the UK Government prior to the pandemic.

The UK Government’s commitment to levelling up is now set out in a comprehensive White Paper at the heart of which is a recognition that not all places benefit from the same physical and social infrastructure, and people’s sense of pride in and connection to their communities is not equally distributed (1). These features of community are all understood to be aspects of overall “community wellbeing”.

However, as the levelling up agenda brings focus to the differences between places, it is also important to understand the different experiences of people within the same place. While focusing on community wellbeing can help us understand the differences between places, understanding individual wellbeing can bring focus to the different experiences of people within the same place, helping us to better understand the drivers of inequality and disadvantage. Unpacking how individual wellbeing and community wellbeing may be related and how changes in one may lead to changes in the other was at the heart of this project.

This understanding can inform those designing and delivering community based interventions to address key priorities such as increasing wellbeing, supporting levelling up or building community cohesion.

Close Introduction

A new model for community and individual wellbeing

A tool to improve community and individual wellbeing

Quantitative analysis findings

Qualitative research findings

Areas for action



You may also wish to read the blog article on this document.

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