Here you can explore the work we do to improve wellbeing. From research and building evidence to implementing methods in the real world, find out more about our projects below.
April 2023
Community wellbeing in a university setting
Researching what community wellbeing means to the staff and students of Northumbria University
March 2023
Wellbeing Evaluation top-up fund
Pilot programme enabling expansion of existing trials to include measures of subjective wellbeing
March 2023
Green Book training: wellbeing guidance
Training for economists on the HMT Green Book Supplementary Guidance on Wellbeing.
January 2023
Places, spaces and social connections – review refresh
Adding evidence from the past five years to further build the community infrastructure and wellbeing evidence base.
December 2022
The wellbeing value of arts and culture interventions
A rapid review exploring the social and economic value for people and places.
November 2022
Community agency, control and wellbeing
A rapid evidence review exploring the impact of community agency and control on community wellbeing.
October 2022
Social capital: Evidence review and synthesis
Examining interventions that sought to improve community cohesion, social support networks and neighbourhood belonging.
July 2022
Exploring body image and wellbeing among female Instagram users
An analysis of the relationships between body image and wellbeing indicators, and initial exploration of the impact of body image Instagram messages on life satisfaction.
July 2022
Accelerating wellbeing data analysis
Our wellbeing data usage library shares free-to-use code making data more accessible and easy to use.
June 2022